Jun 5, 2011

9 toed baby!

 baby wasn't quite sure what to think of Jodi painting his foot. check out his face- so funny.
 he was downright resistant to do his hands. he balled those pudgy little sausage fingers together into a little fist and grabbed the brush when Jodi tried to paint them. We'll have to get them next time.

ps- he's so awesome! I love being a dad!


  1. He's so cute I want to come snack on his chins!

  2. You guys made a stunningly cute baby.

  3. I bet he loves you as his daddy too. So sad we don't live close enough to visit and see this awesome boy.

  4. Oh I can't stay away. I must come back and snuggle with the little Munchkin again. He is so cute. Looks a lot like dad's baby pictures.

  5. Oh so cute. Our ped's office does footprints every time you go for a well check. (not past 1 though)

  6. What a beautifull Boy.He does look alot like bill and taylor..Love those pictures.Thanks.
