Jun 5, 2009


A couple of you fellow bloggers suggested I catch up on the show "Pushing Daisies" to relinquish my state of boredom. And since I had SO much boredom time, I did and I watched every episode. Over time of course. Can I just say how much I loved it? It was so brilliant and imaginative, quirky and artistic. I adored the Tim Burton-esque style on the opposite end of the color spectrum. And how loveable is the piemaker? My heart is saddened that it has been cancelled, and particularly that it ended so abruptly. Darn writer's guild strike, I blame it on that. Did they really give it a fair chance? It was a happy time anyway.

I think I need some pie...


  1. Agreed! Jack and I hadn't seen it and while we were in England we happened to come across it, and we loved it.

  2. YES!!! I completely agree with you. I absolutely love that show. I am torn up inside because it was canceled. The whole show is delectable!
