Apr 2, 2010

how I exploded the lab: PART TWO!

as if yesterday's mishap wasn't bad enough...
So I arrived to school this morning and found that things were much, much worse. It seems that as I was cleaning up the hood from the spill last night I must have accidentally tightened a waste bottle lid that had unreacted acid inside still. That acid reacted, evolved gas and the whole 4 Liter glass bottle of corrosive death exploded in the hood. There was acid everywhere and the expensive "shatterproof" fume hood sash is destroyed.
We had to call the emergency hazmat people and my boss and so many others. O the shame.
Possibly the worst part is now our brand new fancy lab has a nasty acid burn on the floor that looks like our fume hood pee'd itself. Wonderful for introducing perspective students into the group. O the shame.


  1. Good thing you're not at MIT. :)

  2. Nice work. And so many grad students think their work is worthless and unnoticed. Way to leave your mark, you'll never be forgotten.

  3. i...i... i have no words besides "take that Harvard!" And it absolutely does look like it peed.

    you and seth study very different things.


  4. Oh great. You just had to be THAT guy. I'm positive there are all sorts of nerd jokes (that I wouldn't understand) floating around about you now.

  5. Jerry I love you. I think I'm going to sign the floor so generations of Clarkers can know who to thank for that hilariously ugly stain.

  6. Good thinking. Don't forget to sign it with your middle name (Awesome).

  7. I love the hazmat suit guy. You are making Harvard rue the day they let a west coast kid into their labs
