Yet alas, I have failed to keep a regular update of the girth of my own tum. Honestly, there just hasn't been much to show.

On another note, we basically have bought nothing for this child, and the other night I had a dream that the baby came way early and I wasn't ready. Needless to say, it has gotten me thinking I should start figuring out what to purchase. One motto I live by is keep it simple...the less stuff I'm surrounded by the happier. I believe there are oodles of baby doo-dads I don't need.
So for all you pro moms out there, what stuff did you end up with that was just a waste of space and money?
My non-mom suggestions: don't buy a swing or bouncy seat. Those are things you can borrow (and your baby might not like them).
ReplyDeleteBTW, you look great!
Hey! THere are a million of things you don't need. Just think: What does your baby really need? PJs, diapers, and you. honestly. you don't need anything else. Everything else is just extra. Love the Picture! Hott MOmMA! I miss having more chats on my couch with you!
ReplyDeleteOh look at how cute your little belly is! Honestly, we didn't have anything that we didn't end up using all the time. I'm sure I could have made it without them, but they made things a lot easier. Oh I if you're deciding between getting a diaper genie and not. I say DO, it will really help your nose in the long run.
ReplyDeleteIf I looked THAT cute pregnant, I would have blogged pictures of myself until people begged me to stop. You're such a babe!!
ReplyDeleteAnd don't let anyone tell you you can live without a nursing cover, because you can't. Tons of cute ones at great prices on Ebay.
Serious Jodi. Who needs a nursing cover? I say go double barrel in public at every opportunity.
ReplyDeleteThere is one brand that regularly has free (just pay shipping, like $10) nursing covers. Wish I could think of the name! I survived without one myself. Just used blankets. But it would have been nice to have one.
ReplyDeleteUdder covers is the brand. I'll let you know if I see the deal.
ReplyDeleteWe ended up with a swing and a bouncer and didn't really use the swing all that much. The bouncer I used a ton's pretty much the only way I got a shower those first few months. Plus the bouncer is a lot smaller in a small space.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute tiny belly! You are adorable.
ReplyDeleteWe never bought a diaper pail and didn't feel we missed out on much. Good luck in all the planning. You probably don't need as much as you think!
Congrats! I am way behind on my blog reading so I just found out you are expecting! I hope everything is going okay. You look beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI agree keep it simple! We didn't buy a changing table (primarily because of the small apt) but found we didn't need it either. Mainly you need diapers and a car seat. Several other things can come later as he grows.
Love the pic! You are so cute!
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of things that are a waste of money and space. I am glad I have a front back, I really love it. It is not anything special and it was really cheap. It has been nice to have for the days when Kate just wants to be held all the time, so I have my hands free to get a few things done around the house. It is also great for putting her to sleep.
I was also given a baby sling, but I didn't like it and never use it.
yea for belly shots.
ReplyDeletestuff you don't absolutely need: boppy, bouncer seat, high chair (you can get one of those little booster seats that fits into a regular chair), changing table (we had one for bruce, but not phoebe and we don't miss it), diaper genie (although some kind of solid can with a lid is a necessity). that's all i can think of.
you should check out the children's clothing exchange in cambridge (just google it). everything's free and most of the newborn stuff is pretty nice (since it's just not used much).
your dream was my reality. my mom came and put together bruce's room, bought all kinds of stuff i didn't have, and saved my life. it was awesome.
You look awesome!!! I have to agree with Taylors comment about the nursing stuff... We live in Oregon and there is no modesty here:) And dont buy anything until the baby shower... you never know what you will get.
ReplyDeleteYou look sooo good. Taylor you crack me up.