Jun 12, 2011

tripod: check

Atticus had just arrived at the witching hour- a nightly event around 8 or 9pm that Jodi and I dread. He was fussing and squawking when our Indian neighbors across the hall invited us to come over. Ashish showed us some of his baby whispering magic. Atticus was mesmerized and just kept staring up at him! Within 20 minutes he was fast asleep on Ashish's chest.
Meanwhile, Shithal, his wife made us these delicious little balls of, well, I don't know. I think she said they were filled with spicy peas, raisins and other stuff. We ate em with plain thick yogurt and they were really good!
They showed us their new lamp too that runs on cooking oil in a little pottery cruse. When we turned out the light it cast awesome shadows on the ceiling and walls.
 We were all pretty mesmerized. I had to run and grab the camera and tripod.

 With the baby fast asleep and the rain pitter-pattering on the window outside we all just sat there and chatted. Before we knew it Mr. Hyde-baby had transformed back into Dr. Jekyl and the oil in the lamp had run out.

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